

Abby decided to help unload a round bale. She couldn't miss out on all the excitement and fun.



Anonymous said...

Gotta love those labs! I've got a bale climber, too.

Anonymous said...

I just love this picture - I can almost smell the fall air. It just captures something, maybe it is your brother working on top of the haystack, that just draws you in to the picture - I like it.

Sykoyoyo said...

This is a nice picture that provides emotion. Having both the worker and the dog sitting on top of the round bales like that, makes me feel like it's been a hard days work, and I too would be tired.

One thing to maybe try do... is possibly off-center your image. when subjects are in the middle it provides a sense of focus, however if they are slightly off center, it provokes thought.

Good capture and theme.