
My Thanksgiving

For the past 3 years i have ran at the Footlocker Midwest Cross Country Championships. It is always the weekend after thanksgiving. I am very thankful that I can run and can run fast, this year especially I have realized that I am a pretty lucky girl and i am very, very grateful for that.

-Runner Girl


Greeting the New Day

When I woke up I looked to my window and saw this sight.

Explosion in the Sky

This picture looks like the sky exploded

Pink Lemonade

This picture i took on my deck at 6:30 in the morning, this picture looks like pink lemonade to me.


Colorful Sunrise

The sunshine was very colorful coming up the other morning



Viking Pride

We love to have the mascots cheering on our school



This is my little cousin playing with my sunglasses when they came up for the week from Texas. I think this is a super cute picture!
- Runner Girl

New Season

This pic is the first game of the season and it shows great emotion during the opening kickoff of a new season

- Donald


Halloween Costumes

Halloween Night is when all the ghost, ghouls, witches, and goblin come out. Here we have Hannah Montana, a pumpkin, nurse, and static cling!!!
- Runner Girl

a twist on pumkin carving

This is a picture of my cousin's neighbor's pumpkin.. he painted it instead of carving it and that i thought was odd because he doesn't seem like the type to get into the holiday



There are lots of ghost on the way to school.

- Kaci